Thursday, June 30, 2016

Oliver Seth Cook

I love to write down the birth stories of each of my children for those that want to read it and for me in the future so I can remeber.

So with my third pregnancy we never found otu what we were having. We wanted a surprise. With the other two I had "feelings" of what they were. With this one I no feelign one way or the other, it just depended on the day. Jackson was certain it was a girl that we could name "Sissy Girl". It wasnt until the end that I told him a little brother could play with him. Then he wanted a brother he could play cars with. Though for the record Elizabeth plays cars with him.

I was due February 23rd, I was hoping to have it on time but accepted the baby would be late. We decided if I was going to be induced I would be induced on February 29th. It was perfect, a Monday six days after my due date (my earliest baby). SO as it turns out I was goign to have the baby late...

At my 40 week check up (which was a Wednesday) we met with my midwife. I was only like 2 cm dilated. We decided then that we would just sign into the hospital for the following Monday. She called the hospital to book a room and to our surprise they were completely full for the morning, but told us to call that Morning at five and then if they had room they would let us in if not we might have to wait to later in the day.

Monday came and we got to go to the hospital bright and early int he morning. And just so you know th ehospital was not bussy at all. All the peopel who were shceduled to come in went early so we had the whole hospital to ourselves most of the day. I think there were only two babies born that dya, one was a c-section.

They checked us in and of course nothing had changed and I was only a 2, and no signs of any contractions. The midwife didnt want to break my water just yet. She ended up giving me a pill on my cervix to start contraction. To my surprise they worked. I had to stay in the bed for two hours then I could walk the halls to my hearts desire. The contractions came and didnt hurt but did thier job. Around one my midwife came and checked me, I had dilated to a 3 and she was confident in breaking my water. SHe broke my water and we walked those halls liek it was nobodies bussiness. James and I even went as far to count the steps and figure out how many feet are in a mile and how many laps it would take to walk that mile. Ten laps, and we walked that. There was a male nurse on the other unit who was counting our laps and giving us encouragement. We just labored for a couple of hours, they were getting dtronger and close rbut I knew it wasn't time yet. My mother and mother in law came around 3pm, then I just kept watching tv. At this time I was thinking "This is going to take forever these contractions need to get hard".

At around 4:30 I decided I would try a hot bath. For the record I absolutely hated the tub. Some peopel love the jets and the water but lets be honest the water never covered my entir ebody and the jets made too much noise, they just annoyed me. But I was goign to give it a whirl to see if that would get my contractions going. James filled ht ebath probably a little hotter then it should of been but I laid down and had my head resting on my arm. I started counting my contractions. It was weird I have never done that before but as I was laying in the tub and I kind of fell asleep. I think I was kind of doing hypnobirthing or as close to it as possible. I was counting adn asleep but still there. Such a weird feeling but I was so relaxed even though I was laboring.

At arounf 5 o'clock my mom came in to check on me. I told I was doing good, after she left I tried to get back into the whatever state I was in and that when I felt "it". I got out of the tub and had to catch myself on the sink with my next contraction. I had this weird thought that I didnt really want to annouce to anybody that I was ready, just the nurse. So I got dressed and climbed back into bed and asked for the nurse. She came in and I told her I woudln't be ready in the next 15 minutes but probably withitn the next 30 minutes I would have the baby. She wanted to check me but I just said no I was ready to call the mid wife. The weird thing was if you looked at my behaviour and contractions I wasnt ready. My contractions were still 2 and 3 minutes apart but I knew I was ready and the baby was coming.

My midwife came and she asked if she could check me and I told her the same thing, that I was ready and she said ok you know your body lets have this baby. I labored int he bed whiel she helped compress my knees. The different thign with this labor is that I did not want a single soul to touch me at all. Not James, nobody. At tim,es I was ok with my midwife but even then I didnt want the touch it was too much in a way. I was so intune with my body and the labor that other people touching me was just disturbing it.

With this baby I could feel and almost visualize the head comign down and I would voice "I cann feel the head coming down". When the midwife finally did check me she said I was right on que with my body. I was a nine with a tiny lip. Then as I reached a ten she said I could push, but I couldnt my body wasn't ready. I wanted with all my might to push so the pain woudl end but I just knew I couldnt, I did not have the urge at all and the head was biug and beeded tiem to ascend the canal before I could push. The amazign thign about labor was that they were still two mintues apart. I had time after each contraction to rest and really compose myself for the next contraction.

So as I was labouring my midwife expalined what would happen. That we would deliver the baby and james can anncoune the gender adn then cut the cord after it stopped pulsing.

At six, finally the urge came and with all my might I pushed that head out. I tend to not stop when I push so James and everybody around me have to remind to breath. It's easier to push and have the baby then to take breaks but I did... As the baby head came out I reached down and was able to pull and deliver him.

I was so excited that after I pulled him out I opened his legs and said "It's a boy" I didnt even give James a chance to annouce it. He was ok hopefully not too offended that i did htat. Then a the baby peed all over me. Whci in the moment was the funniest thing to happen. The cord was so short that I had to hold him near my hips so I was ready to have the cord cut a soon as possible. The cord ended up only being like a foot long which is really short.

We hadn't totally settled on a name either way, boy or girl. We did have the name Oliver picked out as our number one choice. When I looked into his little face I knew that was his name that this was my baby boy.

He was 8 pounds and 12 ounces of pure joy and 22 inches long. Also his head was the biggest of all three babies. I didnt tear though which was nice. He was such an amazing baby and such a blessing to our family.

The kids were able to come before bed and they just gushed over him. Elizabeth when she first came in wanted to me and came in the bed with me and then she saw him. "BABY!!!!" she wanted to hold him and love on him. As Oliver was being passed around she would follow him. When he made his way back to me she wanted in the bed and I asked he rif she wanted mommy or the baby, she promptly said the baby, and from that day forward just wants "her baby" and loves him so much. Jackson was more reluctant at first but now loves his baby brother so much.

Three kids is hard but I woulsn't trade any of my babies. They bring so much joy and happiness to my life.

1 comment:

  1. Loved reading this! What an amazing birth story! I love the name Oliver and that his middle name is Seth like your dad.
