Monday, May 18, 2015

Elizabeths First Birthday

This is so late, but I dont really care. It is still important to me at least to write this momentous occasion down and to express the feelings I had on her birthday.

Birthdays are so bittersweet to me, more sweet than bitter. It is so joyous to see my babies get older but so sad to see that they are getting older and as they get older the less they need me. 

Elizabeth is such a spunky child. She is a sure spitfire. Though she is mello and calm like Jackson was she is so much more than he ever was. She knows what she wants. and when she wants it theres nothing she wants more and will let you know it. she arches her back and screams. I dont know if are going to be able to break her of that habit but the screaming, its nothing we had before. 

She is so much like me its funny. My mom always told me before I got married that my kids will be just like me but ten times worse, well she was right. i love tasting and eating other peoples food. Itsa just how I am i like to try everything even if it doesnt belong tome but rather my relatives. Elizabeth is the exact same way, she will go from person to person trying to get food. In her blessing when she was first born James was giving her the blessing and as he is talking I coudlnt remember the exact things he was saying but in my mind I kept thinking she is going to be exactly like me, I cant believe it but she is. It will be exciting to see hwo she is when she is older.

She is the best little baby I could of asked for. She puts up with Jacksons rough housing and at times she can be so mischevious. Without a doubt if Jackson is sleeping and she can reach him she always without a doubt will try to wake him up. Weither she pulls his hair (if she can reach it) or pats his legs. Also if he gets a little too rough she has figured out a way to stop him, pulling his hair. Though I dont like it and we are trying to teach her to be nice it is so funny, and quite a way to preserve her happiness. 

though she is fiesty she is still a sweet little baby. She loves mom and dad the most. She has her moments when each of us are her favorite. She is so funny, she will point to the person she wants. I think it is si cute when she is in her high cahir and she likes I choose you. She is definently a snuggler compared to Jackson who is also a big snuggler. She would snuggle all day if you are willing to as well. 

She is such a blessing to our family and is such a great addition. This past yar has been so amazing for us. The amount of love that has grown is so overwhelming. 

I'm going to post birthday pictures in another post but I am going to add her month photos so we can all see how she has changed over the months.


xoxo Nicole

1 comment:

  1. I want all of these pictures. But how would I display them. You are so talented Nicole.
